QuisQuose #14: Jacek Smolicki
Vi är glada att presentera Jacek Smolicki, som kommer framföra: "The Hearth", en sonisk festmåltid. Ingredienserna är fältinspelningar av mänskliga och icke-mänskliga miljöer (som systematiskt samlats under det senaste året). De kommer att blandas live med ljudbilder fångade från Ami Kohara och Erik Sjödins konstnärliga processer i utställningen a longer table.
In 'The Hearth' Smolicki will invite the audience to a sonic feast. Ingredients will comprise field recordings of various elements of human and non-human environments systematically gathered over the recent year. They will be mixed live with soundscapes captured from Ami Kohara's and Erik Sjödin's artistic processes presented at the exhibition such as burning wood and boiling water.
Jacek Smolicki (b.1982, Kraków) is a cross-media artist, designer, researcher and "walker" who traverses intersections of aesthetics, technology, memory, and everyday life. In his research, greatly informed by artistic methodologies, Smolicki explores how transformations of communication, recording, and computing technologies have been affecting aesthetic, material, performative, and ethical aspects of archiving and memory practices, historically and at the present moment. In his design and art practice, besides engaging with existing archives and heritage, Smolicki develops new techniques for experiencing, documenting, remembering, and para-archiving human and other-than-human environments. He has exhibited, presented his works, performed, soundwalked, and gave workshops internationally (e.g. Madrid, Moscow, Helsinki, Stockholm, San Francisco, Budapest, Vienna, Sarajevo).
12-16: Utställningen: A Longer Table.
15-16: Eldsoppe workshop med Erik Sjödin
16-17: Fika med vänner.
17-17.30: Konsert med Jacek Smolicki
Time table:
12-16: Exhibition: A Longer Table.
15-16: Fire Soup workshop with Erik Sjödin
16-17: Cake and Coffee with friends.
17-17.30: Jacek Smolicki's concert.
40 entré, cash or swish!
This is a must, warmly welcome!