QuisQuose #13: Seroconversion
Kom till utställningen Body of Care and Control, curerad av förstaårsstudenterna från det internationella masterprogrammet i Curating Art vid Stockholms universitet. De har bjudit Seroconversion, som är ett queernoise-projekt, att gästa Köttinspektionens konsertserie QuisQuose. Läs mer om projektet:
Seroconversion is a queer noise project formed in 2013 by Birt Berglund and Johan Sundell. By defining ”queer” as unwanted desire and ”noise” as unwanted sound they aim to explore what happens when these two forms of unwantedness are combined in artistic practices. Their contribution, ”A Queer Noise Reading”, is a combination of noise performance and reading and asks questions such as: ”What does queerness sound like?”, ”In what ways can queer politics be viewed as noisy struggles against heteronormative silence?”, ””Are there information to be found in noise?” and ”How can we view non-normative bodies as different forms of noise and therefore use them as possible epistemological vantage points for critical readings of gender, sexuality, technology and sound?
12-16: Se utställningen "Body of Care and Control".
16-17: Fika med vänner.
17-17.30: Seroconversion konsert.
Time table:
12-16: Exhibition:"Body of Care and Control".
16-17: Cake and Coffee with friends.
17-17.30: Seroconversion concert.
40 entré, cash or swish!
Don't miss, warmly welcome!